Dermaplaning and Acne: What You Need to Know Before You Book Your Appointment

dermaplaning and acne concerns

When considering dermaplaning for acne-prone skin, it’s essential to understand its potential impact on active breakouts. Dermaplaning is known for benefits like improved skin texture and enhanced absorption of skincare products. However, its suitability for individuals with acne needs to be carefully evaluated.

One implication of dermaplaning for acne management is that it can potentially exacerbate active breakouts if not performed correctly. The physical exfoliation involved in dermaplaning may irritate inflamed acne lesions and spread bacteria, leading to more pimples.

To navigate this treatment option effectively for acne-prone skin, individuals should consult a skincare professional experienced in dermaplaning. They can assess the skin’s condition, recommend appropriate pre-treatment care, and perform the procedure precisely to minimise the risk of worsening acne.

Additionally, following a post-dermaplaning skincare routine tailored to acne-prone skin can help maintain the benefits of the treatment while managing breakouts effectively. This may include using non-comedogenic products and gentle exfoliants to prevent clogged pores and support skin healing.

Understanding Dermaplaning for Acne


Let’s delve into how dermaplaning effectively addresses acne concerns. One of the common misconceptions about dermaplaning is that it can worsen acne. However, the truth is that dermaplaning can benefit acne-prone skin. Dermaplaning removes dead skin cells and peach fuzz that can clog pores and provides a deep exfoliation that unclogs pores and allows skincare products to penetrate better, ultimately reducing acne breakouts. Additionally, the gentle exfoliation from dermaplaning can help control excess oil production, a critical factor in acne development.

Furthermore, dermaplaning can also reduce the appearance of acne scars and dark spots, leading to smoother and clearer skin over time. Regular dermaplaning sessions can contribute to a clearer complexion and improved skin texture for individuals with acne. These benefits make dermaplaning a valuable option for those seeking to address their acne concerns effectively.

Benefits and Risks for Acne-Prone Skin

Dermaplaning offers significant benefits for individuals with acne-prone skin, including reducing scars and improving skin texture. The exfoliation process in dermaplaning can unclog pores and prevent future breakouts in acne-prone individuals. Removing dead skin cells through dermaplaning can promote faster healing of acne lesions. Dermaplaning allows for better penetration of acne-fighting skincare products, enhancing their effectiveness. While dermaplaning is generally safe for acne-prone skin, individuals with active cystic acne should consult a dermatologist before booking a session.

  • Skin Rejuvenation: Dermaplaning promotes skin rejuvenation by removing dead skin cells and revealing a fresher complexion.
  • Acne Scarring: The treatment can help reduce the appearance of acne scars, leading to smoother and more even skin.
  • Improved Texture: Dermaplaning results in smoother skin texture, benefiting individuals struggling with acne-prone skin.
  • Unclogged Pores: By exfoliating the skin, dermaplaning helps unclog pores, reducing the likelihood of breakouts.
  • Enhanced Product Absorption: Better product penetration post-dermaplaning can boost the efficacy of acne-fighting skincare products.

Preparing Your Skin for Dermaplaning

skin prep for dermaplaning

Proper skin preparation is essential to ensure optimal results from a dermaplaning session, especially for individuals with acne-prone skin. Before your appointment, take pre-dermaplaning precautions by discontinuing acne medications such as Retin-A or Accutane to prevent potential skin irritation. It’s also advisable to avoid scheduling a dermaplaning session if you have active acne breakouts to prevent exacerbating the condition. I’d like to point out that consulting with your dermatologist or esthetician about your acne concerns before booking can help tailor the treatment to your skin’s needs.

When considering skin care product compatibility, be mindful of the products you use before your dermaplaning session. Opt for gentle, non-irritating products that won’t further aggravate your skin. This attention to detail can help ensure a smoother experience and enhance the benefits of dermaplaning, including improving the appearance of acne scars by promoting a smoother skin texture. Remember, these steps can contribute to a successful dermaplaning session and better overall skin health.

Post-Dermaplaning Skincare Tips

After dermaplaning, remember to use gentle, non-abrasive cleansers to clean your face and prevent irritation. Following this treatment, adopting a post-dermaplaning skincare routine is essential to your skin’s specific needs. Here are some tips to keep your skin healthy and glowing:

  • Hydrate: Apply a soothing moisturizer to replenish your skin’s moisture barrier and keep it calm and hydrated.
  • Protect: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by avoiding exposure to direct sun and using broad-spectrum sunscreen daily.
  • Avoid Harsh Products: Avoid harsh exfoliants or active skincare ingredients immediately after dermaplaning to prevent irritation and sensitivity.
  • Follow Instructions: Adhere to any specific post-treatment guidelines provided by your skincare professional for the best results.
  • Consider Acne Scar Treatments: If you have acne scars, consult with your dermatologist about suitable treatments to address them effectively.

Frequency and Maintenance for Acne Control


After ensuring proper post-dermaplaning skincare, maintaining a consistent schedule of derma planning sessions every 4 to 6 weeks is crucial for effectively controlling acne and promoting clear, healthy skin.

This regularity in treatments helps prevent breakouts by removing dead skin cells and excess oil that can clog pores and lead to acne formation. Dermaplaning reduces the likelihood of acne flare-ups and minimises the appearance of acne scars and hyperpigmentation by unclogging pores and improving skin texture.

Over time, these sessions aid in acne prevention and contribute to long-term results, giving you more precise and smoother skin. Additionally, the exfoliation from dermaplaning enhances the absorption of acne-fighting skincare products, boosting their effectiveness in combating breakouts.

Consistent dermaplaning is crucial in maintaining skin clarity, preventing acne, and improving skin health.